Austin Camacho: Write Better; Draft, Rewrite and Edit

 First draft.

Who's Voice/Story? POV

Atmosphere and Mood

Focuse during the rewriet--telling yourself the story.

Character, Plot, Settin, Theme.



The POV Character's Voice

Re-examine the actions

Mannerisms, little thing the character does, need to be scattered.

Dialgue must serve a purpose. Look for readability, said is neutral/invisiible.

Writing is telling the story.

Re-examine word choices.

Use the right verbs for the action.

Eliminate adverbs and adjectives--lazy writing.

Lose cliches.

Look for inaccurate word usage.

Focus during editing:

Keep the writing simple, not contrived or academic. Less is often more.
Don't use too long of sentences. Too many commas--need to be another sentence.

Meaphores should be origainal

Hire an editor.

Advantageous to outline--outline like a three-act play.

Have a strong, clear voice. All authors have their own voice.

From my notes at the PSWA Conference. 



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