Hanford Branch, Kings County Library

Thursday night I gave a talk at the Kings County Library in Hanford.

But let me begin with what happened the day before. I received a call from the librarian telling me that a TV station would like to interview me. I was to go to Fresno (an hour and 45 minute drive from where I live) to the TV station and be there by 6 a.m. It would be locked so I was to knock on the side door. The interview would be 6 minutes long. Did I go? No. If I'd gotten up in time to do that--around 3 a.m., by the time the library talk rolled around I'd have been incoherent. Sometimes I'm smart enough to realize my limitations, and this was one of those times.

My daughter-in-law agreed to go with me and drive (I hate driving after dark in places I'm not familiar with). We used the Magellan to tell us where the library was, it did--one of the world's modern miracles--then we found a restaurant to eat dinner before my gig. It was a lovely Italian restaurant--but the prices were a bit high so we opted for appetizers. We ordered an antipasto plate (full of deli meats, olives, cheese,and peppers) and friend sweet potatoes. Yummee! We only drank our water and the bill was as large as any full dinner for two with beverages.

The Hanford Library is lovely. They set up for my talk in the children's section. Right away I spotted a familiar face, Winnie Furrur from the Visalia Writers Group. Another woman from that group arrived too, making two people that I knew.

The group was small, about fourteen. The librarian blamed it on families being gone because of spring break. They may have been small, but oh so attentive. I talked about my inspirations for writing mysteries.

I've always loved reading them since I was a kid. It seemed natural to start writing them--and especially after living in a neighborhood filled with cops. We partied with them and I had coffee with the wives. Later on my youngest daughter married a police officer. I loved him dearly. He'd come for coffee after his shift and tell me stories about what he'd been up to all night. I also went on a ride-along with Mike.

Sadly, Mike died in the line of duty. It's been a lot of years since then, his three sons are all grown now. Daughter remarried and now has a daughter who is a freshman in highschool.

One of the reasons I write mysteries, is because the bad guy always gets it in the end--something that doesn't always happen in real life. The way the world is today, there's plenty of ideas for mysteries.

My talk at the library went well. Seven books were purchased--not bad for a crowd that size.

Daughter-in-law and I had a good time visiting. That's what I call a successful evening.



Anonymous said…
Oh, Marilyn! This made me "homesick." You and Lorie Ham both did programs at the Hanford library but I never did.
Hugs from here on the Old Chisholm Trail --
Pat Browning

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