Where I am Spending the Weekend
Paradise Springs One of our grandsons is getting married this weekend and they've chosen to have the wedding in a beautiful place in the midst of old- growth giant Sequoias. The area once was a logging camp which has been gre atly upgraded into an id eal setting for weddings and other events. I noticed the absences of any mention of WiFi or Internet connections so I'll be out of touch with everyone . What I do plan to do is take my iPad and use it to take picture of the sur roundings for future Deputy Tempe Crabtree blogs. You may not know it, but B ear Creek where Tempe lives and works though based on the vi llage where I live is fictional. I've moved it up in the mountains 1000 feet for better trees, the kind of trees you see in this photo. There are giant Sequoias in the area that I write about and in fact have app reared in several of the Crabtree mysteries--and I'm sure that they will again. Some of these giants are located on Indian reservation land.