Red in the Flower Bed by Andrea Napa

Red in the Flower Bed is a children's book with a simple message about embracing someone who is different.

A rhyming book, this would be a good book to read to pre-schoolers and has beautiful illustrations.

The author's intent is to explain about interracial adoption which she manages to do in the simplest manner.

It's the kind of book that could be a good teaching tool not only about interracial adoptions but about anyone who is not exactly like everyone else.

Having once been a pre-school teacher, I know this age group would enjoy having the book read over and over.



Wow! Sounds like a powerful book! I am thrilled to see authors addressing this topic!
Tribute Books said…
Thanks again Marilyn for such a great review!
Andrea Nepa said…
Marilyn - thank you very much for reviewing my book.

Sylvia - if you get a chance to pick up a copy, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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