Contest to Win the First Two Rocky Bluff P.D. crime novels

The Rocky Bluff P.D. series has had a rocky history. The first two books in the series are not easy to come by. Final Respects is the beginning. My police officer son-in-law and the several police officers and families in our neighborhood gave me the idea to write about the members of a police department and their families.
This book also has the story of three little girls who play in their father's mortuary--something that came straight from the truth. When my daughter was about 10 she often slept over at her friend's house who was the daughter of a mortuary owner. I learned they played hide 'n seek in the mortuary.
It is also the story of several policemen and how what happens in their private lives affects the job and how what happens in the job affects their private lives.
This book is only available from me off my website and on Kindle.
Bad Tidings is the second in the series. It's about a police detective who often has to deliver bad tidings to others and finds out some bad tidings of his own. Once my copies of Bad Tidings are gone, that's it. It won't be available anywhere. What I do have can be purchased from my website.
The next two books in the series were put out by a publisher who no longer is in business. Fringe Benefits and Smell of Death are now only available on Kindle.
Oak Tree Press has published the latest in the series, No Sanctuary and An Axe to Grind. Those books can be ordered through any book store or from my website--and they are also available from Kindle.
If you are interested in winning Final Respects and Bad Tidings all you have to do is leave a comment with your email address.
The contest will be over April 19th. I'll have other posts on my blog, but I'll keep reading comments and collecting them for the drawing at noon on the 19th.
Good luck,
Marilyn a.k.a. F. M. Meredith
Your series sounds great and very realistic. I was in LE and also married to a police officer and I can affirm that the job can definitely effects the family. It isn't always in a bad way, but it certainly can be.
Thanks for sharing.
Thoughts in Progress
The more I read about your Rocky Bluff series, the more interested I am in reading it.
Keep up the good work.
Susan Schnelbach
I would love to win the Rocky Bluff books. A police family, kids playing in a mortuary -- sounds good to me.
Good luck everyone!
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
I wasn't quite sure where to enter the contest.
Joann Breslin
It'd be a treat to win your first two Rocky Bluff novels.
cenya2 at hotmail dot com
teagirl1 at telus dot net
I'm now following your blog too. :)