Review: Blessed are the Dead

Blessed are the Dead
By Malla Nunn

Blessed are the Dead was a wonderful surprise. I had no idea what to expect when I received the book from Simon and Schuster. I figured the setting would be some exotic place because  of the cover. As it turned out the location is the  foothills of the Drakensberg  Mountains in South Africa. I know little about South Africa and certainly had no foreknowledge of anything about the setting. The author did a wonderful job of painting word pictures of the area and the culture.

When a Zulu girl, daughter of a Chief is murdered, Detective Sergeant Emmanuel Cooper and Detective Constable Samuel Shabalala investigate. They are hindered by the  beliefs of the Zulus and the  strange customs of the people living in the farmlands, black and white. The two detectives must depend upon their own knowledge of human nature, local beliefs,  and their own capabilities as they follow the clues. The area is so rugged that most of the time they must walk miles to investigate crime scenes and questions potential witnesses.

This is an intriguing mystery with surprising twists and turns and best of all, a glimpse into the lives of people groups I knew nothing about. I didn’t read about the author until I was finished with the book and was surprised the author was female because she did such a believable job of tell this story from a male point-of-view.

Highly recommended to any mystery lover.

Marilyn Meredith, author of No Bells

(This book was given to me by Simon and Schuster with no strings attached.)


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