My Publishing History, Part I

First book pulbished

When I began on this journey there were no computer nor an Internet. I typed my first books on a what was called a portable typewriter. The first book I wrote though wasn't this one, Two Ways West was first, but the publishing history on it comes next.

i used Wrtiers Digest big book on publishers and what they were looking for, plus how to submit a book. 

I used carbon paper to make copies of the manuscript. To submit the book, I had to have two manuscript boxes--on to submit the manuscript, and one with postage on it for it to be sent back in case it was rejected, plus a submission letter with a synopsis.

Amazingly, I sent this off to a New York publisher who wanted family sagas--the amazing part being it was accepted right off. It was the first place I'd sent it to.

You have to realize I knew nothing about the publising business and even less about what I was expected to do to promote the book. I must say the book, whihc first camoutin mass market paperback looked wonderful and made it inot grocery stores across thecountry.

It is the only book I ever got an advance for--and don't remember how much. It took years for the book to earn back the advance before I received any royalties. Something else I didn't understand at the time. 

As for promotion, I think I sent out some letters to friends abuout the book, and I arranged for a booksigning at our local booksotre. (It was a wonderful bookstore and when it closed none came to replace it.)  The signing was wonderful--lots of people came and bought books.

And that was that, until I connected with Lorna Collins who re-published all my books.

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