Mayhem and Ghost Stories, by Patricia Crandall, published by The Troy Book Makers is available at Independent Bookstores and on

“Mystery stories are meant to thrill and entice you the reader while engaging your thought process to see if you can figure out who has committed the evil deed. I invite you to such a challenge, one I’m sure is worthy of your ability and interest, to solve the crimes before the end of the various stories. Murder, Mayhem and Ghost Stories is a series of short and very short stories about murder, mayhem and ghostly happenings that I have successfully written and published over the years. Most were for a particular magazine requiring a specific number of words, e.g., 100 to 2000 words. The book is divided into categories and there is one very special story written by my Granddaughter, Nicole St. Onge, No Guts, No Gory, which will satisfy your mysterious needs.  

 Writing and publishing these stories have been my enthusiastic path to writing many full-length books. So, take the leap into these pages and enjoy a good read.” P. Crandall

Here's one of the short stories for your reading pleasure:



A Vignette

The Sipperly family of Virginia were anxious to move into an old homestead they had acquired in upstate New York. The front of the house faced a little stream of water poetically called Plakapots Killitie by early Dutch settlers. In back, ran the Hudson River.

When they arrived to claim their new home, a Husky lay possessively across the threshold. Assuming he was lost, or left by the previous owner, the family adopted him.

Etched into the wood panel of the upstairs mantelpiece in the large old-fashioned parlor, were the words La Vita Comincia Domam.

The Sipperlys were presently incorporating the original fireplace bricks to renovate the upstairs fireplace.

Ada Sipperly was shocked beyond belief when her husband, Tom, discovered the hearth had been the gravestone of Cornelius and Henrietta Yates’ daughter, Sarah, who died April 20, 1842, at the age of eleven. Ada pleaded with Tom to return the gravestone to the family burial plot located on a hill one-half mile beyond the house.

Tom looked pensively at the stone and decided he would still use the slab for the new hearth.

Ada vehemently protested even to the point where she vowed she would not step foot into the room if her husband proceeded with his original plan.

Tom relented to his wife’s wishes and the fireplace was built using local granite for the hearth.

The day after he returned the original gravestone, setting it in place in the wooded family plot, the Husky howled continuously and paced up and down the road. Just as suddenly, he disappeared . . . never to be seen or heard from again.

Patricia Crandall is the author of ten books, and a 2023 winner of the Besties of the Capital Region Awards, Author Category.  Her latest book, “Murder, Mayhem and Ghost Stories” is a series of short stories the author has successfully published over the years in various magazines and newspapers. Her book “The Dog Men,” third edition was also released in the spring of 2023.  Patricia is a member of Sisters in Crime (Mavens) and National Association of Independent Editors and Writers. She lives with her husband, Art, and a rescue cat, Bette, at Babcock Lake in Grafton Mountains near Petersburgh, New York. She has two children and three grandchildren who live nearby.

Heidi Morrell, Windsor Products, Los Angeles, CA: Patricia's writing is thrilling and exceptional.

Lee Pigeon, Passages, Counselling Services: Patricia Crandall is a seasoned writer. A perfect Saturday Eve, is a breezy warm night while entering a whole other world in one of Patricia Crandall's richly written stories. 

Judith Luci Writes : Love her books!

 ISBN is 09/05/2023. 






Marcia Rosen said…
Wonderful stories, perfect for month of October. Author has written many good books, thanks for featuring Patricia on your site.
Marcia Rosen
Thank you Marilyn for featuring me on Marilyn's Musings
Your Murder, Mayhem, and Ghost Stories collection sounds like an exciting challenge! I'm eager to delve into these tales, test my sleuthing skills, and enjoy the thrill.

Tyreese Nelson said…
Grreat blog you have here
Tars said…
Thanks for this post Patricia Crandall's 'Murder, Mayhem and Ghost Stories' offers an engaging mix of mystery and supernatural tales, perfect for a quick, thrilling read!
full stack course in chennai

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