Another Book That Started out to be a Deputy Tempe Crabtree Mystery

 When I began writing The Devil's Foothold, I fully intended it to be one of the first in the Deputy Tempe Crabtree series. But by the time I finished it, I knew it didn't really fit the series.

The main characters were there, a female deputy with a teenaged son and a preacher. The story was set in the mountains. But it didn't fit the series for two important reasons. There was nothing about Tempe being an Indian, and it is far more intense and scary, more of a horror novel with Christian elements.

Because I did like the plot, I changed the names of the main characters, and the setting from the one I used for the series to a mountain community in what was once gold country. 

The book was accepted by one of my earlier publishers and put into print. That publisher closed her doors, and for a brief while it appeared as an e-book only, with a different cover.

When I promoted it, I called it Christian horror. 

However, anyone who has read the Tempe series, will recognize where the new characters came from. 

I think it has a good plot, and I had fun writing it. I've always enjoyed reading horror novels and obviously was influenced by them.


Unknown said…
Cool! I will be reading it soon.

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