Back Home From Mayhem

We're home after 4 1/2 glorious days in Omaha at Mayhem in the Midlands. We had a great time. Surprised though to come home to rain and 58 degree weather. When we left we'd been having a heat wave.

Also came home to no water. Sometime during the night a critter chewed through an electric wire on our water pump and shorted the breaker. Hubby is fixing it now. Always something.

We gave away some of our furniture to a grandson--and now we have an empty spot in part of our living room. We need to do some big time carpet cleaning now.

Oh, and did I tell you that we're remodeling a bathroom? That's fun, having workers traipse through the house and my office on their way to the torn up bathroom.

We have another grandson living with us. Thank goodness we have so many bedrooms.

This has to be short, going to help a granddaughter order something on the Net. More laters.



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