Graduation and so on

The graduation was lovely, the kids with marital problems got back together, and life got sort of back to normal. I say sort of because the bathroom still isn't done, and somehow, rats (yes, rats) managed to take up residence in a closet near the bathroom. One of our cats discovered them, husband and grandson got rid of lots, the cat has managed to round up a couple of more. Ugh! I hope they're all gone.

In the meantime I finished the ghost writing project I'd been working on and I'm only a few pages from finishing my own work in progress. And because my latest Tempe is coming out in September, I've been busy setting up the promotion for it.

Of course I'm still promoting the books I've got on hand. I had a booth at a flea market in Temecula where we have two grown grandkids with families--we stayed with one and then the other and had fun visiting the great-grands.

I'm also reading books for a prestigious contest--one I help judge every year.

So I've been busy--as usual.

On the 4th of July I'll have a booth in Exeter(CA) for their big celectration, on the 5th I'm headed to Fresno for the San Joaquin chapter of Sisters in Crime at 10:30at Yosemite Falls Restaurant. I'm not speaking, but the person who is will be talking about fires and fire crimes and I've been asked to bring copies of my books with fires in them.

On Saturday, the 12th of July from 10 to 3 I'll be at the West Coast Authors Premier, at the Crowne Plaza at the beach in Ventura CA. I'll be giving a talk about e-publishing. (The night before we're staying in a haunted room at a bed-and-breakfast at our request. More about that later.)

On Saturday, the 19th, I'm giving a talk about Self-Editing to the writer's group at Willow Bridge Bookstore in Oakhurst CA beginning at 2 p.m. Visitors are welcome, booksigning to follow.

Would love to see anyone who actually reads my blog.



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