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One thing I've learned from small presses is that some authors don't realize that most of the promotion of their books is up to them. Yes, the publisher will do some, but even if you're published by a big house and are not a big name author, you aren't going to be sent on an all expense-paid book tour.

Every author should have a marketing/promotion plan worked out before their book is even published. My publisher, Mundania Press, expects a marketing plan along with the book proposal. I've been doing marketing plans for ages.

For me, except for some wonderful independent bookstores, I don't do many book signings. And I prefer to give a talk when I am visiting a bookstore. I have three set up for my coming Deputy Tempe Crabtree book, Kindred Spirits. Instead, my book launch will be in a Crescent City CA where the first part of the book is set at a wonderful Bed and Breakfast. (I'll give details in a later post.)

I'm heading to Taylorville, Illinois to be an instructor for the Oak Tree Press Writer's Conference. Yes, that's a long ways to go, but I've found doing writer's conferences is a way to connect with readers and gain more fans for my series. I'll also be on the program for the WOW writers conference in Scottsdale AZ.

I'll have a table or booth at three craft or bookfairs. This is another great way to meet new readers and interest them in my books.

And of course there's the Internet. Doing blog tours, guest blogging, and participating with all the social blogs are all a part of promotion.

The more you get your name out there and the more people see you and your book, the more apt you are to interest new readers.



Our Voice said…
Hi Marilyn,

Are there templates/examples of marketing/promotion plans out there floating around in the web?

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