Having Fun With Blogs

I've been having a good time keeping up with the blogs I do myself and ones that I blog on a scheduled basis.

My latest is my blog for the Rocky Bluff P.D. http://rockybluffpd.blogspot.com/ where I talk about the Rocky Bluff Police Department and the different characters also blog.

I also post every two weeks with Make Mine Mystery http://makeminemystery.blogspot.com/ and every Tuesday with the Stiletto Gang. http://thestilettogang.blogspot.com/

And I was asked to contribute articles about writing to yet another blog on a host site I won't name as I have too much trouble getting in there to post and have to sent the owner my articles.

Blogger is so easy, no wonder I use this one.

On the downside, keeping up with blogs does take away from my writing time and since I'm working on two book in different series, I do need to be writing.

Anyway, that's my post for the day.



Kim Smith said…
Hey Marilyn! I am surfing blogs and wanted to drop in and say hi. This blog thing does take time. Time we might should be writing, I suspect, but it is a very cool and fun way of making (and keeping up with!) new friends!
Hey, Kim, I agree, we should be writing!

Anonymous said…
Hi Marilyn, I'm a new fan. I have the same question. I'm learning how to do a blog and it takes so much time, how do I get to my writing? How do you do it? Good luck to you on your books. P.S. if you would consider being a guest on my blog I would be honored. check out http://bronzeword.wordpress.com
How do I do it? I try to write first before I do the blog posting bit, though it doesn't always work out that way.


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