On Blogging and Other Subjects

I've tried to write a new blog every day--not sure I'm going to be able to do that in the next few weeks.

I've already got a hectic schedule and it's going to get more-so since I've just received the go-ahead on a major ghost writing project. Because ghost writing pays much better than my own writing, I'm always happy to do one. The only problem is that they always seem to be offered to me when I'm at my busiest.

I'm still promoting both No Sanctuary and Kindred Spirits which means lots of social networking which takes a lot of time, to say nothing of thinking up something to say that just might lead to someone being interested in purchasing one of my books.

I still have a couple of conferences to attend and some speaking engagements. Love to do them all, but squeezing on my writing isn't going to be easy.

So much for retirement. I don't think I'll ever experience that as long as I'm able to sit in front of my computer.

Marilyn a.k.a. F. M. Meredtith


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