Traveling Once Again and Taking My Gadgets

Saturday we head off to Pasadena. We're going to the California Crime Writers Conference though I do not expect to go to much at the conference. I was asked to be on a panel about e-publishing on Sunday morning and could attend anything I wanted that day and pay for the day before. Since I'm going to the Public Safety Writers Conference the next week, I didn't feel the need or desire to spend that much time conferencing. Plus Sunday afternoon we have an important council meeting at church and being the church clerk I should get back for it.

I'm not even putting my books in the bookstore. What I will do is hand out postcards with ordering information about my books. I'll be showing off my Kindle too.

We'll use our Magellan to take us there stress free. Hubby listens to Mrs. Magellan as he calls the voice on the GPS device--never listens to my directions, so I appreciate having her tell us what to do and where to turn.

I'll be getting my email via my Blackberry and maybe reading some on my Kindle on the way down.

I suspect we'll see people we know roaming around the hotel and I'm hoping to meet with Sheila Lowe, the plan is to have dinner with her, a forensic handwriting expert, author, and one of the speakers at the Public Safety Writers Conference. I met her briefly at the Sisters in Crime Booth at the L.A. Times Book Festival but we didn't really get a chance to talk as we were kind of back-to-back, plus at one of those things you don't chat with other authors, you're too busy talking to potential book buyers.

I'm also hoping to run into my dear friend and former roommate for the Edgar Awards and a couple of other mystery related venues, Gay Kinman, one of the most well-educated women I know.

And if there's time, and wi-fi, I'll use my mini-laptop to do some blog posting.

What on earth did we do before they came up with all these electronic gadgets? Do they make our life easier or more complicated?

I hate learning how to use everything, but probably it's good for me to have to do it.

Figuring out what I'm going to wear is another problem. But that's a topic for another post.



we're here, hubby's napping and I'm going nto roam around and see who else I can find that I know.

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