An Axe to Grind On the Way

I should have copies of my latest Rocky Bluff P.D. crime novel, An Axe to Grind, in a couple of weeks.

I've already got a list of reviewers waiting for a copy, and I've been writing blog posts for the virtual blog tour I'm going on in March.

Soon as the books are here, I'll plan the two launches that I'm doing in Springville where I live, and in Porterville, the nearest city.

It's always exciting to get a new book you've written and actually hold it in your hand. I wrote this book for the first time several years ago when I was between publishers. It was sitting in my computer without a title.

Titles used to come to me while I was writing the book, now I have to work a bit harder to come up with a good one. Actually the title An Axe to Grind came from the gal who edited the book for me.

Anyway, I'll be promoting An Axe to Grind any way I can from now on.



Cheryl said…
I'm confused, No Sanctuary? Don't you have copies of those or did you need to reorder?

Looking forward to the tour!

No, Cheryl, I'm the confused one. I was sick yesterday when I wrote this--sicker than I realized it seems since I put the wrong title of the book in the blog. Thanks for catching it.


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