P I Barrington and Miraculous Deception

Marilyn: First, I'd like to know about your background.

PI: My background is in journalism and entertainment: specifically newspaper reporter/photographer and radio (“air talent”) and the music industry at a major label.

Marilyn: When did you first know you wanted to be a writer?

PI: I always tell people that I didn’t want to be a writer. I think deep down I knew that I’d probably end up writing somehow someway and it was always there in the back of my head saying “I can always go into writing.”

I know other authors have struggled so much more than I have and I feel guilty about making it sound as if I’m flippant about it all. But I wanted to work in music; that was my real love and the man who hired me at the record company told me, “I knew you’d never be satisfied until you worked here.”

I was very driven, very career oriented and he was right; I would never have been happy if I hadn’t accomplished that first. So after that long detour through entertainment when I finally came back to writing, I didn’t stress about it. It wasn’t do or die for me; it was more like a “let’s see if I can do this” attitude.

Marilyn: What was your road to publication?

PI It was a very short one. I submitted short stories to a few online magazines that put out calls for submissions and they were accepted. When Desert Breeze Publishing put out a call for submissions I sent in an old manuscript I’d tooled with for several years and the editor passed on it but asked me to write up a chapter for a science fiction series she wanted to kick off and she liked that and signed me for the series. Crucifying Angel, Book One of the Future Imperfect series was the result of that.

Marilyn: What was your biggest disappointment?

PI: I haven’t had one yet for which I am profoundly grateful every day.

Marilyn: How about your biggest thrill?

PI: I think when I finished the manuscript and typed “The End” and hit send to my editor. It gave me a sense of completion—you know, I could actually call myself an author—even if only in my head. Oh and another huge thrill was selling the mystery that I co-authored with my sister, Loni Emmert. Button Hollow Chronicles #1: The Leaf Peeper Murders will be out in August 2010 through Mainly Murder Press. We finally got to collaborate on a creative project together!

Marilyn: What brought you to write this book?

PI: Miraculous Deception, Book Two of Future Imperfect, is the second in the series and picks up where Crucifying Angel left off with a cliff hanger. I like this one even more than the first because this one has much more intrigue and betrayal and hopefully a few more surprising twists.

Marilyn: Tell me more about the book.

PI: Let’s see. What can I tell you that won’t give it all away? Some characters will be removed and some new ones will appear; some relationships will change in good and bad ways. I know that’s vague but I don’t want to give up too much. The setting is still the same, near-future Las Vegas in all its bizarre glory that I love.

Marilyn: Where can people buy a copy?

PI: Since Miraculous Deception is in e-book format it will be available from DesertBreezePublishing.com; Amazon.com and I believe also through Barnes & Noble, Sony, FictionWise and iBookstore for Apple.

Marilyn: What kind of promotion do you have planned?

PI: E-books and their promotion is a different world than traditional books’ promotion. Blog sites (like yours Marilyn!) w/interviews are always a must; I’ve done online radio interviews which are usually a blast to do (since I worked on air in radio, lol!); and reviews of the books are the treasures of the e-book promotional world! We’re beginning to create some goodies for giveaways, T-shirts, mugs, postcards, bookmarks. I love getting them and I hope readers will too! That’s always a fun part of promotion.

The Button Hollow Chronicles will be in print version and we’re in the embryonic stages of planning a book launch—it will be our first ever!

Marilyn: Where can we find you on the web?

PI: The website I share with my sister is: http://thewordmistresses.com and readers can find information on Miraculous Deception, Crucifying Angel and Button Hollow Chronicles there. We also do author interviews and occasionally review music and other creative projects on the site. We LOVE to hear from readers and they can contact us directly at wordmistresses@yahoo.com and let us know what they think! Oh, and they can be added to our email blast and get information sent directly to them via email!

Marilyn: Thank you so much, PI. Your books sound intriguing and I enjoyed this interview.


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