On Blogging

Since I blog nearly everyday, I have to say I enjoy blogging. I love having people visit my site and read what I've written. I love it when they leave a comment. There are some who do so regularly and I recognize their names and I feel like I know them.

I'm a little surprised when a guest doesn't come and visit at least once when her or she is being featured on my blog. When I go visiting someone, I love to acknowledge those who bother to comment and answer any questions asked.

Yes, I use my blog to promote my own books at times, I like to give writing advice because I know there are many out there hoping to have a book published some day, and sometimes I just write about what is going on with me and/or my family. Anyone who has followed this blog for any length of time knows that I have a big family and I like to write about them.

I would never use this blog to reveal family secrets or when someone isn't getting along with someone else, and yes, we are a normal family so there are secrets and problems at times. I'm a great believer in not hanging our dirty laundry out for everyone to see. (One of my dear departed mom's favorite sayings.)

But, basically, I am a writer and I love to write. When I was growing up I kept a daily diary which I protected from prying eyes. Writing a blog is like keeping a diary except I don't want it to be kept secret.

If you'd like to be a guest on my blog, all you have to do is email me and we'll work out a date and the other details. mmeredtith@ocsnet.net



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