More Blogging Tips

Blogs are fun. Sometimes they are frustrating. They can be a great promotion tool.

I try to have new content everyday on this blog, not always an easy task. I cover a lot of topics: writing, promotion, what's going on in my life, an occasional guest, and some book reviews.

I'm also a regular on three other blogs:Make Mine Mystery and where I appear the first and third Tuesday of every month. I'm make an occasional appearance during each month at

One of my publishers has a blog too http://otpblog/ where I occasionally post--probably far more than any of the other authors because I'm a firm believer that a blog shouldn't become static.

And that brings me to why I'm posting. If you're guesting on a blog you ought to show up there at least once. If you've done a lot of promoting, then check and see if anyone has commented that you ought to respond to.

Though I did include links in this post, usually I recommend that the links be at the end of the post so the reader will finish reading the post before leaving to visit the link.

Posts don't need to be extremely long, but they also shouldn't be merely a sentence or two.

Don't just use a post to mention your book, give some interesting information about it, something tantalizing that might compel a person to want to buy it. Then be sure to say where it can be purchased.

Just a little more advice about blogging. I surely don't know it all, but this is some of what I've learned while blogging and visiting other's blogs.



Very useful advice. Blogs have indeed become a strong tool for promotion. It also gives the reader to know more about the author which I believe is a great incentive to buy the book. Thanks!
Anonymous said…
Very useful advice! I've been actively blogging for about two months now, and I've learned more than I ever imagined there was to know about book promotion, writing, reading, and about the vast community of writers online.

William Doonan
Jennifer Oberth said…
The first two lines of your post are spot on. But mostly fun! They can take away a lot of writing time, though and it's not really a break from writing but it seems like it should be. But it is fun.

Cool post!

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