As my blog tour is winding down, I've had some time to evaluate and figure out what worked and what I'd do differently next time. And yes, there will be a next time. I'll have a new Tempe Crabtree book coming out in the fall.

What I'll do differently:

1. I won't schedule blogs for the weekend. Though you'd think people would have more time to visit them, it didn't work out that way. My guess is weekends are when people go away. Even for me, I had things to do on the weekends making it harder to check each blog.

2. I'll make sure that everyone who I ask to be a part of my tour has an easy way to leave a comment. Believe it or not, finding the place to comment was sometimes a mystery.

3. Those daggone captcha code things are really a pain. A few times it took me between 3 and 5 times to write the correct letters. Someone who is following along for the fun of it is not going to bother if it's too hard.

4. A couple of days before each post is supposed to appear, I'll check with the host and make sure everything is ready. Unlike me, not everyone puts the post up to appear on the correct date and time and wait until the very day to put up all the information.

5. On my email I'll make a group list of everyone I want to send notifications too so that won't take so much time each day.

6. I'll be sure to check the subscribe to comments on the blogs that have that option. It makes it easier to know when to go back to a blog and acknowledge comments.

All in all it's been a fun experience. Tomorrow I'll post what did work.

The last blogs are here:

Today is



Cindy Sample said…
Hi Marilyn. I was doing my own mystery convention tour but I tried to catch as many of your posts as I could. What amazed me was how fresh and informative each one was. Thanks for sharing your journey and these great tips with us. Now go write another wonderful book!
I really worked at trying to make each post different. Some kind of overlapped, but I tried to come at each one from a different angle. Oh, I've been working on another book while doing this.

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