Happy Birthday to Hubby!

Today is my husband's birthday. We met on a blind date and this is what he looked like back then. Oh so cute. He's 82 today and still handsome.

We raised five children and now have oodles of grandkids and greatgrands.

He spent 20 years in the SeaBees which included a lot of traveling and three tours in Vietnam during the war. He worked for Sears for 15 years, and then together we owned, lived in and operated a licensed home for six developmentally disabled women for 22 years.

Now that we're retired (ha ha) he supports me with my writing and promotion.

He's so talented. He can do so many things. Of course he's slowed down a bit. He no longer fixes cars and builds all sorts of things in our house--but he's done it all. He still changes things around when I think this should go there and that over there.

No, we're not doing anything special. He picked out a new chair for his birthday. I wanted him to get a recliner and he tried them all out, but instead he found a different chair, one he said fit like a glove. It was the most awful shade of red-orange. I said, "No way, not unless it comes in a different color." Fortunately, the salesman called around and found one that will work.

The chair doesn't come until Saturday. Hope he likes it as much as he did in the store.

Happy Birthday, hubby!

And by the way, all those who don't call him Dad or Grandpa, call  him Hap. (It's a nickname he's had since he was a plane spotter as a kid during the 2nd World War.)



Aging Ophelia said…
Super-cute! A belated Happy Birthday to him, and many more. You sound like a great couple, and you're certainly an inspiring one.

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