Hope You are Following my Blog Tour

The tour for Dangerous Impulses has begun. If you haven't yet, it's not to late to follow along.

This is where I've been:

And this is where I'll be next:
March 14  http://deniseweeks.blogspot.com/

The prizes for this are a choice of one of the previous Rocky Bluff P.D. crime novels
Your name being used as a character in the next Rocky Bluff P.D. crime novel. 
 A tip: I've been known to hand out more than one prize.


Jake said…
Like being in one of your books. Thank you again for participation in latest book as teenage boy.
It's fun trying to figure out what character a name will fit.
Jake said…
Thanks again for a delightful tour. Seems some links are not working. Always enjoy your presentations.

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