Meet Christy Dyer, the New Kid at Oak Tree Press

Christy Dyer

Oak Tree Press now has an intern, Christy Dyer, who will be working with acquistions. I was curious about her so decided to ask a few questions which she was kind enough to answer.

Marilyn: Tell us something about you, such as where you are from and what are you doing now.

Christy: I am from New Lenox, Illinois. And I am just currently working at Oak Tree Press, but looking for a job. Gotta move on in the "real" world.

Marilyn: What did you always want to be when you were a kid.

Christy: I knew I wanted to work with books. I was a huge reader when I was a kid. I was entertaining the idea of becoming a writer, well actually I still am! It's just hard actually writing down the story!

Marilyn: What do you do for fun?

Christy: Read, write, watch movies...I pretty much live a boring life at the moment!

Marilyn: What kind of books do you like to read and do you have a favorite author?

Christy: I really enjoy fantasy. I like to go to a completely new world as see what authors can come up with using their imagination. And there are the small town murder mysteries that I enjoy reading with my mom.

My favorite author...that's a tough one. When in doubt, I turn to J.M. Barrie, author of Peter Pan, or J.K. Rowling, of Harry Potter series.

Marilyn: Christy, exactly what will you be doing as an intern?

Christy: I will reading over people's queries that they send to OTP and answering them, reading over manuscripts, and any other odd job that someone needs done. I am also looking for editorial work, like reading people's pieces to find any copy editing mistakes, so if anyone needs that I would be happy to do that! 

Marilyn: Will this experience be helpful toward your future goals?

Christy: Yes, because I want to work in a publishing house and help authors bring their story to life so others can read and enjoy them. Also, it gives me the other view on what publishing houses are looking for in authors so when I actually write down that story, I know what to send them.

Marilyn Is there anything else you’d like to share about yourself?

Christy: Just that I am excited to do my work here and hope that I can do well!

Marilyn: Thank you so much, Christy. It was great getting to know you.

And a note from Billie Johnson, Publisher: We encourage all authors who have a submission pending with Oak Tree Press to give Christy an email to introduce yourself to her at Since Christy plans to be in the book biz for many years to come, getting to know her now might be a plus for all concerned!


Lorna Collins - said…
I'll post another interview with Christy on Monday on my own blog. I've enjoyed meeting her.
Everyone should know about her since I think several OTP authors are introducing her.
Unknown said…
Good post. I like it. It was interesting to read it. Great thank's author for sharing…
Anonymous said…
Good interview, Marilyn. Happy to get acquainted with you, Christy. I am an OTP author, so we may cross paths occasionally. Welcome!
WS Gager said…
Nice to meet you Christy! It's an exciting time to be in publishing. Hoping your dream job comes soon but not too soon!
jrlindermuth said…
Good to meet you, Christy. Best of luck with your career aspirations.
Good luck, Christy, with your publishing work. Thank you, Marilyn, for the interesting interview!

Mary Montague Sikes
Anonymous said…
A nice introduction to a new face in publishing. Welcome, Christy! I'm looking forward to the Collins interview this week.
Marja said…
Welcome to Oak Tree, Christy! So nice to meet you, and I'm looking forward to working with you.
Marja McGraw
Good interview. Christy is also on my blog at

Mike Befeler
Thank you, everyone for leaving your comments.
Thank you, everyone for leaving your comments.
Bookworm said…
Welcome to the OTP family, Christy!
Unknown said…
Thank you very much Marilyn for doing such an amazing interview! I'm very happy to join such a family! I look forward to meeting everyone! Thanks!
River Glynn said…
Nice to learn about you, Christy. Welcome to a nurturing environment. Maybe you'll join us as an author of your own cozy mystery!
River Glynn said…
Nice to learn about you, Christy. Welcome to a nurturing environment. Maybe you'll join us as an author of your own cozy mystery!

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