Merry Christmas

Jesus is the reason for the season.

Merry Christmas one and all!
I hope you found what you most desired under the Christmas tree.
Over the years, I've celebrated many Christmases. Every Christmas when I was a child was wonderful.
When I had children of my own, watching the children open their gifts was always a blessing.
There were some hard Christmases--the ones when my husband was serving in Vietnam and couldn't come home.
Once I had to work a split-shift at the phone company and missed seeing the kids open their gifts.
A few times there wasn't much money to buy gifts for the kids--but somehow I managed to come up with enough to please them.
But--the wonderful Christmases far outweighed the harder ones.
Some of the best Christmases were ones we shared with others such as buying gifts for children of prisoners through Angel Tree.
Giving presents, a tree and decorations and all the ingredients for Christmas dinner to a needy family. (Did that with a sorority I belonged to at the time.)
I hope today finds you surrounded by your family and friends.



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