Rocky Bluff Neighborhood

This could easily be a neighborhood in Rocky Bluff, California as it climbs the hillside. No two houses alike.

In this photo, the sky is blue, what fog there was in the early morning has burnt off b the sun.
What a pleasant place to live.

That is until the body comes ashore in the surf.

Yes, that's how Murder in the Worst Degree begins.

The pub date for the book is March of 2014, but I'll be dropping little hints about it right here on my blog between book reviews and guest author posts.

Stay tuned.

And if you haven't read the latest yet, Dangerous Impulses, be sure and get it an catch up with what's going on with the Rocky Bluff P.D. and their loved ones.

Marilyn aka F. M. Meredith


Evelyn Cullet said…
It's just how I pictured it from reading your novels.
I'm looking forward to reading "Murder in the Worst Degree." I've come to know and love the characters and the town in your Rocky Bluff series.
Evelyn, I hope you'll like your character in Murder in the Worst Degree.

And thank you, Patricia--both the place, though fictional, and the characters in this series seem very real to me.

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