Changing Times by Beryl Reichenberg
For those of us who grew up with Dick and Jane, Nancy Drew and the
Three Little Pigs, reading children’s books today is fascinating. In one sense, little has changed. There still
is the big bad wolf in one guise or another. Nancy isn’t solving mysteries
anymore, but there is a whole lineup of new detectives, who are. Dick and Jane stories
have morphed into a multitude of early readers. Many of the story themes remain
the same. Good and evil still battling
it out. Lessons are learned, sometimes
the hard way, and problems are eventually solved. It is as if the human spirit
needs these reoccurring themes to make sense of the world.
Yet, children books of today are much more varied and
sophisticated. There are stories about multi-cultural and multi-racial
families. New super heroes like Ninja
Turtles and Warrior Cats have emerged, righting the wrongs of the world. There
is an invasion of rhyming books thanks to Dr. Seuss. Disney and Star Wars
characters abound with Harry Potter not far behind. With all these characters
and books comes a host of toys and games. And let's not forget the flood of
summer movie.
Where once we had only a few cherished books to choose from, the
bookstores are packed with brightly covered books and engaging images. There
are puzzle books, board books, interactive books, 3D books, popup books with
moving parts and, of course, electronic books for children. While many of the story lines and themes
remain the same, the characters, the settings and the way modern books are
produced have changed with many more choices and voices. For a children’s book
author it can be difficult to catch a ride on these latest trends, while still
producing a story that is unique and worthwhile.
Still, it’s nice to pick up
and read a Nancy Drew or Peter Rabbit book again, just for old times stake.
And, hopefully, these books will never go out of style.
Bio: I
am an artist and story teller, living on the Central California Coast in San
Luis Obispo. During the last seven years, I have written and illustrated
children books. I have five books published by Oak Tree Press and some
additional books published elsewhere.
Before I came to San Luis Obispo, I taught school and lived in the San
Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles. I hold a Master's Degree from UCLA.
Traveling extensively throughout the world including countries in
Africa, Europe, the Middle East, South America and Asia, I have taken many
photographs that I use in my art work and books. These travels have given
me a broader understanding of the world and other cultures and have been an
inspiration for many of my children’s stories. Other story ideas come
from my contact with children, who are a never ending source of delight.