Writing, Reading, TV and Movies and Lots More

Because I'm a writer, I do spend a great deal of time writing--working on my latest book and thinking about the latest book. I also work on promotion for the next book coming out, Murder in the Worst Degree. I'm planning to go to Left Coast Crime in Monterey which of course falls into the promotion category, but also will be fun! A chance to hang out with readers and other mystery writers--wonderful!

Anyone who knows me or has been following me on Facebook knows that I have a big family which means spending time with them--that's important to me. When possible, I'll visit those who don't live nearby.

Hubby and I love to go to the movies--at least a couple of times a month. But we also enjoy watching series on TV--usually a year behind, either on DVD or on the Roku. What a marvelous device that is--and one that I actually was able to figure out.

And yes, I read a lot of books too--paper and on my iPad. These days it seems I spend more time reading books written by people I know--and of course, mainly mysteries.

Tell me what you like to do.


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