Introducing Dave Cropp

I am new to the blogosphere.

I am excited about my first novel that will be coming out this summer: “Valley Heat,” published by Oaktree Press:

It is based on my many years in law enforcement with a loose analogy to Dante’s Divine Comedy, specifically his journey through hell (inferno).

It’s taken me years to write.  The idea fascinated me from the start, and the challenge of fitting my cop stories into a new fiction format was important to me.  I feel that Dante’s journey resembles the constant human struggle to define right vs. wrong, good vs. bad; and the ultimate attempt to validate our perceptions by pointing to the ultimate idea of consequences.   
I do not take sides; do not support one religion over another, or even support religion over atheism.  The story transcends religious dogma.  At its core level it is about one person struggling with a soul that reaches out for as much fun a possible, and a cognition that knows better.  Initially, his soul wins the day—but at what cost.

In the sequel, my character’s soul begins to take a backseat to cognitive maturation.  Here we will see an analogy to Dante’s Purgatory; and in the third book of the trilogy we will see a redemption analogous to Paradiso.   
Many writers have inspired me over the years, including Trevanian, Tracy Chevalier, Jack London and William Somerset Maugham.

The Public Safety Writers Association: has helped me build confidence as a writer.

You can visit my website at:

I have previously published three short stories and have an Amazon profile at:

And, I am a contributing writer at Police One


Anonymous said…
Well done, keep writing!
Billie Johnson said…
We are delighted to have Dave as abs Oak Tree Press author!
A modern version fo Dante's INFERNO should be interesting. Good luck.

JL Greger, author of the thriller I SAW YOU IN BEIRUT
Nancy LiPetri said…
Great to meet you, Dave!
I am fortunate in that I've also met Dave in person at the PSWA conference. Looking forward to the book.
Unknown said…
Awesome work Dad! I'm so proud of you! Keep writing!
Unknown said…
Awesome work Dad! I'm so proud of you! Keep writing!

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