Moving Right Along Despite the Bumps in the Road

My book launch for A Crushing Death was fun. The little shop, Fair Finds, where it was held, despite being in the middle of town, isn't well-known. However my Facebook and the posters I put up around town worked. 

People came in dribbles which was good, giving me time to chat with each one. And yes, I sold some books. 

The bump in the road came on Sunday when hubby felt bad enough to make another trip to the ER. We arrived at 7 a.m. and didn't leave until 5 p.m. They took many tests and they all came out negative--meaning they didn't keep him, but they also didn't even guess at what his problem might be. We learned later his heart doc was out of the country. He'll see his GP on Thursday.

In the meantime, I've been to Redwood High School in Visalia to talk to students. I'm in the white sweater. I talked about writing and gave every student an autographed copy of one of my early Deputy Tempe Crabtree mysteries.

I spoke with two classes--a great bunch of kids who asked lots of good questions.I had a great time.

Thursday a.m. I gave a talk at the library about where I get my ideas.

Not many people showed up, but I had fun like I always do--and Porterville Library has the best librarian, Sandra Farnsworth, who ia a big fan. Also my publisher arrived and we had lunch together afterwards.

My blog tour didn't begin as planned--not surprising, just another bump in the road.

Greatgrands (little ones) were sick enough to go to the hospital and hubby had a check-up at the doctor's. So life certainly has its ups and downs.

Next up for me is tackling the edits on my next Tempe so I can get it sent off to the publisher.

Have a great day and smile a lot.



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