Now What? by M. Glenda Rosen (aka Marcia G. Rosen)

Now what, indeed!

There are numerous options for authors today to get their books in print, but many people have a room full of good-looking printed books they wrote and wonder, “What do I do now?”

From traditional publishing, self-publishing, independent publishing, and university presses to e-books, it’s important that you be sure your publisher will pay attention to your requests and needs and will offer the expertise and experience to help you publish your book the way you want. However, it is also essential for you as an author to realize that publishing is only the beginning. You need an aggressive and comprehensive marketing plan incorporating traditional and social media options and opportunities.

Who is going to read your book? Who will buy it? Oh yes, of course some friends and family. All traditional and self-publishers will tell you, “You need to market your book. YOU need to promote it, tell your story, and create a buzz about it.”

I know you’re a writer. You’re a creative person. You really don’t want to do this. However, more and more, it’s a proven fact that writers do have to promote their books. No matter how wonderful, interesting, and compelling your book might be, you still have to let the reading world know it exists. Any publisher or literary agent will agree with me. Unless you market your book, chances are it will fall through the cracks of literary chaos. Following are a very few of the many options now available.

Marketing Options/Opportunities for Authors
Initial Concepts for “Creating a Buzz”

Marketing includes everything from getting your book reviewed to doing book signings or seminars. It’s also important to have a website for your book. It’s like that old question that advertisers asked: “Do you know what happens when you don’t advertise?” Answer: “Nothing.”

Public Relations provides information and can be a way to get free publicity through articles, book reviews and interviews in print or electronic media.

Advertising is when you pay for placement in the media such as a Facebook Author Fan Page, a Google ad or even local media, which is far less costly than national media. Authors can now also pay for reviews in publications such as Kirkus Indie Review, Goodreads and San Francisco Reviews. Search Google for reviews and event contest options.

Traditional Marketing Actions

Author Book Launch
·         Schedule book launch event, time/place and details.
·         Develop invitation list and sign-in sheet and have books on hand to sell.
·         Send releases to media, announce on website, and email personal contacts.

Author Public Relations Actions
·         Develop “pitch” letters for speaking opportunities.
·         Develop press release to get calendar listings for signings and speaking dates.
·         Submit online calendar listings on websites in target market.
·         Arrange to speak at target-appropriate conferences.
·         Develop sell-sheet with your book cover, about your book and author.

Online and Social Media Actions
·         Consider a Blog Book Tour.
·         Be sure to have some book swag (bookmarks, cards, flyers, even T-shirts, etc).
·         Goodreads Giveaway Programs –
·         The e-Library includes 9,000 books:    
·         USA Book Awards
·         Kirkus Reviews:  You can pay for a Kirkus review through their Indie program. Information about Indie reviews can be found here:
·         Facebook Author Fan Pages Advertising Program:  Costs vary. You can spend $5 a day or $100 for United States and any other country you want to reach. Can be very effective in building social media and website traffic.
·         Social media postings – Content may include book signings and other events, new book announcements, press releases, snippets or excerpts from book to engage audience.

M. Glenda Rosen (Marcia G. Rosen) is the author of Dying to Be Beautiful Mystery Series and In the Works, “The Senior Sleuths.”
 As Marcia Rosen, she has also written Eliminate the MindBlocks and RoadBlocks to Success and
(Award Winning) My Memoir Workbook.  

(Irish setter “Watson” stars in the mystery series.)


Thonie Hevron said…
This was so good, I had to print it out and post it on the bulletin board above my monitor! I've done lots of these ideas but there are more I can do. Thanks, Marcia!

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