Good Friday and Easter

For Christians, Good Friday is an important religious holiday. Unfortunately too many of us believers don't take the time to think about Christ and what he did for us.

Jesus was betrayed by one of his twelve disciples for 30 pieces of silver.

Before Jesus was crucified, he underwent such horrible whipping that he was unrecognizable. He knew exactly what was going to happen to him. 

He was nailed to the cross through his wrists, and his crossed ankles and hung there in excruciating pain until he died. He took on all of our sins so that we might be saved and follow him to heaven.

Because the Roman rulers and others feared Jesus' followers would take his body--after he was put into a burial cave, they rolled a huge bolder in front of the opening to secure it.

On Sunday morning, when Mary Magdalene and his mother went to visit the grave--the stone had been rolled away, and Jesus was gone. Raised from the dead, he appeared to them, and eventually to all the disciples and hundred of others.

We are celebrating Jesus' resurrection on Sunday.

Christians celebrate in many different ways.

At our little church we will have a Sunrise service--yes, outside, in the small courtyard at our church, followed by breakfast. Afterwards, our youth will be reciting Bible verses they've memorized.  Then the regular Sunday School classes will follow at their normal times, as will the regular Sunday Service.

I'll be serving Easter dinner to our family--ham, prime rib, macaroni, salad, green beans, plus family members are adding salad, rolls, and cake. 

A happy Easter to all of my Christian friend.



Thonie Hevron said…
Happy Easter to you and your family, Marilyn!
And the same to you and yours, Thonie!
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