A CRUSHING DEATH, another murder in Rocky Bluff

The body of a popular teacher is found under the condemned pier in Rocky Bluff, a pile of heavy rocks on his chest.  The teacher, suspended because of an accusation by a student, had been reported missing by his wife. 

Rumors of a religious cult are circulating. Detective Doug Milligan and his partner, Felix Zachary are busy with the investigation of the murder while Stacey Milligan tries to find out the truth about the accusation by questioning students in the teacher's cladd.

Police Chief Chandra Taylor, is threatened by a man she sent to prison while on the San Francisco Police Force. The Milligan family shelters her to keep her safe.

Beth Milligan loses a friend because of her parents being police officers.

I had a good time writing this tale. It began by someone telling me about an ancient practice of piling stones on a guilty person's chest in order to make them tell the truth. 

This tale has two villains, and they were great fun for me to write about. 

A Crushing Death is available for Kindle and in paperback from Amazon.

Marilyn who writes the RBPD series as F. M. Meredith


Morgan Mandel said…
Glad you had a good time writing this book and putting some of your knowledge to good use in the process!
What is surprising to me is how little I remember each book as I'm re-editing it.
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