The next panel was about DOING SOMEONE IN PERMANENTLY. Panelists Steve Ditmar, Dave Freedland, Jim L'Etoile, J. L. Greger and Gloria Casale gave us lot os ideas for unsual means of murder.
The next panel was all abotu ways used to improve writing, from critque groups, beta readers, and various software enhancement program. Thos participating were Moderator RJ Beam, and Panelists Ellie Oberth, Colin Conway, George Cramer, Barbara Hodges, and Kierston Marquet. And yes, they discussed using AI.
STRETCHING THE LIMITS OF THE GAME was next moderated by Colin Conway and the panelists were Kelli Peacock, Barbara Lloyd, John Bluck, Johs Schembra and Thonie Hevron. It was about genres and themes that overlap one another. Such as romantic suspense, Sci-Fi Mysteries, Historical Suspense, etc.
On Saturdy the first speaker was former police officer, and retired FBI agent Pete Klismit who spoke abour profiling. He presented an actual murder and how he figured out who the murderer was.
The next panel was about publishing and had four publishers, and Barbara Hodges who prefers independetn publishing. Panelists besides Barbara were Mike Bray of Wolfpack/Rough Edges Press and his editor, Jo Wilkins of Mystic Publishing, and Jennifer Hendrick formerly of CKN Christian Publishing Press. Mike Bray is the one who wants 5 books a year from an author.
MODERN CSI SKILLS AND TECHNOLOGY was prsented by RJ Beam. Wow! This one was an eye-opener with such items as new tools for gathering fingerprints that also is able to capture DNA. Most of the new tools are extremely expensive so it will take a while for most police departments to be able to afford thm. It was a great presentation.
More tomorrow.