I enjoy offering a free book and then watching how many download it.

I used about three sites that advertise free books (they service is not free to the author), and I know the downloads went way up on the day that I'd selected for FUSSY LIBRARIAN to advertise--but they really jumped ahead on my birthday--have no knowledge why.

One good thing that happens when a lot of books are downloaded is the number goes down for how the book is categorized--in this case it was cozies and female detectives

On the last day the download total was 2,609--a goodly number.

And, two of the next book in the series, DEADLY OMEN, had been purchased.

Of course the whole idea of giving a free book away in a series is the hope that it will be read and liked and the reader will want to continue and read the next book. 

One thing I noticed was some books in my other series had been purchased.

This is always an interesting thing to do.

Thank  you to everyone who downloaded a copy of DEADLY TRAIL  



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