BIG, a beautiful picture book!
BIG written by Coleen Paratore and illustrated by Clare Finnell was published by Little Pickle Press
This is a beautiful picture book with a wonderful message for all the little children who want to be BIG.
With colorful illustrations and few words, the story tells what being BIG really means.
Here are two pages that really resonated with me and will give you an idea of what the book is about.
Little Pickle Press ©2012 reprinted with permission
For twelve years I was a pre-school teacher and this is the kind of book I loved to show and read to my classes. Besides being a delightful book, it's the kind of book that a teacher (or mother) can use as a teaching tool. Each page could be the jumping off place to prompt the children to think and talk about what was learned.
Projects could be created from the ideas presented in the book to enhance the concepts presented.
No longer a teacher, and my children are all grown, but this is a perfect book for a gift for a grandchild or a great grandchild--the start of his or own library.
the hardcover book here:
the Kindle book here:
the book trailer here:
Pickle Press website:
Pickle Press blog: (the
blog book tour schedule is under a tab at the top of the page)
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Everything about the physical book is environmentally friendly.
And Dani, thanks for the opportunity to share the information about BIG. My copy is now in the hands of my great-granddaughter, Jaslyn.
Thanks for your fine review, and for sharing your favorite pages.
Marian Allen
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