BIG, a beautiful picture book!

BIG written by Coleen Paratore and illustrated by Clare Finnell was published by Little Pickle Press

This is a beautiful picture book with a wonderful message for all the little children who want to be BIG.

With colorful illustrations and few words, the story tells what being BIG really means.

Here are two pages that really resonated with me and will give you an idea of what the book is about.

Little Pickle Press ©2012 reprinted with permission

For twelve years I was a pre-school teacher and this is the kind of book I loved to show and read to my classes. Besides being a delightful book, it's the kind of book that a teacher (or mother) can use as a teaching tool. Each page could be the jumping off place to prompt the children to think and talk about what was learned.

Projects could be created from the ideas presented in the book to enhance the concepts presented.

No longer a teacher, and my children are all grown, but this is a perfect book for a gift for a grandchild or a great grandchild--the start of his or own library. 

Buy the hardcover book here:

Buy the Kindle book here:

See the book trailer here:

Little Pickle Press website:

Little Pickle Press blog: (the blog book tour schedule is under a tab at the top of the page)

Little Pickle Press on Facebook:

Little Pickle Press on Twitter:

Everything about the physical book is environmentally friendly.



Audrey said…
I love the way such an important message matches up with the bright and happy illustrations. Thank you for hosting BIG today!
Dani said…
It's always interesting to see which page is the favorite! Great choice, Marilyn, and you would love the lesson plans, too. Thank you for being a blog book tour host!
SweetSarahCA said…
It's great to see the positive messages in BIG spreading throughout the blogosphere. Thank you for hosting Marilyn!
Cameron said…
Thank you for hosting this amazing books! It truly is so beautiful.
It is an amazing book. Thanks for your comments Audrey, Sarah and Cameron.

And Dani, thanks for the opportunity to share the information about BIG. My copy is now in the hands of my great-granddaughter, Jaslyn.
Adidd said…
Marilyn, Thank you for hosting us at your BIG party on the book tour. You welcome us in, serve us a tasty bit of BIG and then send us off with a wonderful favor – all those connections to sites, blogs, books, etc. I had a great time! ☺ Thank you.
Melanie Jones said…
BIG thanks to you, Marilyn for hosting this important book for children. The message is empowering for children and me, too!
Marian Allen said…
What a beautiful book! And how wonderful, to show little people they can be BIG in other ways than just size and age. :)

Thanks for your fine review, and for sharing your favorite pages.

Marian Allen
Fantasies, mysteries, comedies, recipes
tony said…
One of my favorite pages as well, showing how seemingly small gestures and gentle behaviors can truly be BIG. Thanks for highlighting this great new book.
Helena Brantley said…
As a parent it means so much to hear a veteran teacher say this is the kind of book she would welcome in her own class. My girls and I are such big fans of Coleen Paratore's latest book!
Land Wilson said…
Hearing that you would have loved this during your years as a pre-school teacher says volumes about this book. I am really looking forward to getting a copy for my kids.
Maryannwrites said…
Marilyn, I, too, really enjoyed this book. I got an advance review copy and fell in love with it. I wish I had young grandchildren to whom I could give the book.
Everyone, I loved Big, and I was delighted to feature it today on my blog. If you have a copy and don't have anyone to pass it on to, consider giving it to a nearby pre-school--or a library, of course.
On this pensive day, how wonderful to learn about a book that encourages children to be their best possible selves. Thanks so much, Marilyn!
Dani said…
Marilyn, thanks again for hosting a tour stop - we really appreciate you! :) And I'm going for strike 3 on the Captcha code - I just can't read these!

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